Thursday, December 3, 2009

making kids shirt patterns

Today I found a brilliant tutorial on making shirt patterns, and before I dash into my studio, I wanted to jot it down and share! It's perfect for recycling old shirts into new kids shirts. This one is made from 2 shirts and a piece of fabric from one of my friends. I used the hemmed edges for the sleeves and bottom so it went really fast. For the neckline, I used the ribbing from one of the shirts and serged it on before sewing the lapped neck pieces together and it worked great! It fits really well, although I discovered that it might look better with the lapped part showing in the front.

My friend, Colleen has been asking me a lot of sewing questions lately, and she's the inspiration for this need to share my finds for kids clothes. There must be more moms out there who are sewing, if there are two of us in this tiny corner of Michigan. Perhaps, someday, my book dream will become a reality...


colleen said...

thanks for sharing victoria! this is a great tutorial. i found this exact one about 3 years ago when i started sewing clothes for valdemar. it really helped me to create my own patterns from clothes that i loved.

Zane Schwaiger said...

I'm itching to become one of those mamas who sews clothes for her children! Count me in, Victoria! I think that your blog would be an excellent source of material for a book.